About PrestwoodBoards.com

Mike Prestwood is the owner and software developer of PrestwoodBoards.com.

Get help, research, publish, KEEP UP!

We believe we understand what you want and need in an online community. Our goal is to provide the features you need to research, participate, show-off, find a job, or find help. Our hope is that you will hang your technical hat at Prestwood and participate in our many features. This online community was developed and is maintained by Prestwood IT Solutions. This custom community was written by Mike Prestwood from scratch. It contains NO third party web-apps. This allowed us to present a high-level of integrated features.

About Our Groups

Each group offers many features including a group specific search, message board, knowledge base articles (from tidbits to full articles), member blogs (multiple entry subjects), message board (Q&A), FAQ list, file library, and much more! For each group you join, you have your own group settings. You can choose to receive various group notifications such as new message board posts, new job postings, etc. Default is NO to all notifications. If you’re interested in working on a task or job with Prestwood, you indicate that in each group’s settings.

That’s it! For types of content, browse around. Essentially we have Q&A style discussion with our message boards, tutorial or informational posts with our knowledge base, and member blogs. The knowledge base offers various types of posts and each type is integrated with your Profile, the appropriate group, and our monthly eMag (automatically).

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