About Family Pages

Including Prestwood ancestors back to 1640 in Virginia. Flint ancestors back to Robert "The Pioneer" Flint, and his 5 sons--the Fighting Flint Brothers who fought in the Revolutionary War.


Including Lupton ancestors to about 1840. The story of Susan Cook and Leander Clark. Cook relatives back to Mayflower.


Lowe back to Roger Williams and several original founders of Providence, Rhode Island including Thomas Olney, Joseph Jenkes Sr., Henry Knowles, John Lippitt, John Sayles, and others. Family lore says we have a cousin connection to the Wright Brothers.


Including Unsicker ancestors back to Baden Germany prior to 1890.


Including Homann ancestors back to about 1880. Rudisill ancestors all the way back to 1605. Family lore says we have a cousin connection to President Zachary Taylor but I have yet to find the connection.

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